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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Are You Doing This Project?


SHP believes that it is essential to foster creativity and for people to have a place and community where they feel like they belong. We want to create this space, one where people feel free to unleash their inner geeks and supercharge their imaginations. We love all the best parts of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and fantasy, and we know a lot of others do as well. We want to share this passion with the thousands of others love the idea of visiting immersive event spaces or even just watching the shows and movies that we will be creating at SHP.

Best of all we are will be able to employ and provide opportunities for a very large and wide range of people from farmers to crafts people to actors.

What’s Our Plan?


This is a huge project that will include purchasing a minimum of 80 acres of farmland in the Fraser Valley of beautiful British Columbia, which is our first major step. This will place us approximately an hour away from Vancouver and twenty minutes away from the nearest US border crossing with Washington State. Once we have the land we will begin farming hay, fruit, hazel nuts and, best of all, honey to turn into the delicious honey wine - mead. At the same time we will begin building a medieval style village, complete with a town square, main street and market square where various workshops like a blacksmithy will be constructed. The castle will follow as permits are obtained.

How We Will Get There?


SHP is actively gathering investors to partner with us to build this incredible project. If you or any one you know is interested in becoming a part of SHP please contact us.

The plan is to build the infrastructure in 5 phases of construction. Fortunately we will be able to offer most of our planned programing and services within 2 years of acquiring the farm acreage.

Fortunately we have an amazing team with the right skill sets and experience for this incredible project.

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How Long Will It Take?


We expect to have our property and operating in the spring of 2024

There are a number of steps to fully realize our vision - and we are going full steam ahead! 

Currently our focus is on finding the right parcel of land that will provide for all of our needs in a welcoming municipality. . 

After contracts, permits and all the red tape is complete we will start building the village and castle. It will take up to 18 month to build the Village and up to 6 years before the castle is complete.

In the meantime will be able to accommodate many activities planned for SHP ahead the completion of construction. SHP will also build temporaty structures such as a wood palisade castle while construction of the stone keep is under way. Check back to this website to see all the updates!

How Can I Be A Part Of This?


We have a a small but fantastic team and we are looking for more people that are enthusiastic about any aspect that is SHP.

As well we would like to talk to anyone interested in financially investing, and joining the quickly growing number of people that see the value in this project.

Easiest of all is to help us spread the word about this amazing project that seeks to create an wonderful and inclusive space for geeks and nerds.

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Why Are You Building This In The Pacific Northwest Of North America?


We are building SHP near Vancouver for three reasons:

     One, there is nothing like this in the Pacific Northwest. You will need to travel to California in the South and all the way to Ontario in the East to find anything that will come close to what we are planning to build.

     Two, the Fraser Valley of BC is near both the major urban center of Vancouver, a beautiful tourism friendly city, as well as very close to the US border, just a couple hours away from Seattle, Washington.

     Three, the film industry in and around Vancouver is enormous and we want to help make the kinds of movies and shows like Game of Thrones, The Witcher, Lord of the Rings, King Arthur, Robin Hood to name just a few. SHP will be so historically accurate that you will need to travel to Europe for anything better. What’s more, with all the empty space and beautiful scenery of British Columbia, we will offer just as much, if not more, than heavily populated Europe.

What if I don’t Live Near Vancouver, Canada?


Firstly, The Pacific Northwest is a beautiful place to visit! The events at SHP will be worth the trip.

As well, because of the new audience for much of what we will be offering a huge amount of themed goods will be needed, and with online markets makers from all over the world can benefit.

In addition, films and television shows will be a major part of what we do at SHP which can be enjoyed from anywhere. If you love the genera that is Stone Historic Properties Then we are the place for you.

Finally this property is just the start. Once this first site is built we will be able to expand and maybe your town will be the next to get its own castle!

How is this project Economically Viable?


SHP is not creating anything new. Renaissance fair villages, film sets and castles for historic event that have thousands of visitors already exist in North America. What is unique is to SHP is that we are combining such a wide range of enterprises and revues. Our unique model includes agricultural, tourism, film, product development and sales. Rather than one main business that on occasion finds income from alternate sources, SHP is specifically designed for the wide range of enterprises planned, and for each to work synergistically to make each element more than it would be on its own.


How does this project Benefit Community?


SHP is devoted to agriculture, education, history, art and creativity. Across the world venues like SHP provide entertainment and employment for people of all ages. Because of the immersive nature of this project, the cultural benefits will be go far beyond just a customer interaction and instead nurture a community of enthusiasts.

We are also dedicated to creating a safe space that fosters inclusivity and empowers people.

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