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Who is SHP

We have an amazing team!

The people behind Stone Historic Properties are an incredible blend of professions and experience perfectly suited to making this project a reality. Meet the core team.


Lloyd Stone


Lloyd is a creative geek with years of experience, ideally suited for this project and driving force behind Stone Historic Properties. He obtained his BFA from NASCAD University in Halifax and a Masters Degree from Emily Carr University here in Vancouver. He is a Vancouver-based interdisciplinary artist and reenactment enthusiast for the past twenty years. Most importantly for SHP, Lloyd is a Production Designer in the film industry where he's worked for over 12 years. This has given Lloyd years of experience managing teams of people, designing sets and even co-creating successful start-up businesses for film and the arts.

Danielle Samuels


Danielle Samuels is an organizational mastermind behind Stone Historic Properties. With a Bachelor’s of Business Degree from UNBC and years of Business and HR Management experience Danielle’s connections, knowledge, and drive is ideal to ensure that this project becomes a reality. As well as her professional education and experience Danielle has been a historic reenactor for more than a decade and half, providing insight into and first-hand knowledge of SHP core operations and clientele. Finally, Danielle both worked on farms, and is a part of organizing and managing teams that host various events across the Lower Mainland.

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Jordan Stanley


Jordan received his Bachelor’s of Tourism Management degree from Thompson River University in Kamloops. He has worked in various tourism disciplines including outdoor guiding, and all areas of hotel operations. Jordan is currently a Certified Management Accountant (CPA, CMA) and has worked as the financial controller for tourism operations and a real-estate investment and development industry.

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