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Stone Historic Properties (SHP for short) is a unique blend of agriculture, tourism event hosting site, film set and handcrafted goods market set on a Middle Ages themed site. We are located in the Lower Mainland of Beautiful British Columbia Canada, just a little way from the iconic city of Vancouver.

History is Amazing Fun when you don't have to ignite Creativity and Imagination

Stone Historic Properties will build the only Medieval-themed site of its size in the entire Pacific Northwest region, with agricultural buildings designed to look like a village from the Middle Ages and a castle complete with great hall, drawbridge and moat.

Turning a Vision into Reality

Stone Historic Properties will bring the very best parts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance to life. By creating an immersive agricultural-tourism destination, SHP will built infrastructures for agriculture, events, filming and handmade goods that, when interwoven, will produce significant advantages that would not be possible individually. By focusing on the best aspects of this historic period, SHP can help promote agriculture, host fantastic community based events, allow for new film genres, open up an entirely new industry for the region and promote everyone to unplug a little and step back to a time when the world moved a little slower.

Not Just for History

We at SHP believe that Creativity and Imagination are essential for making the world a better place. For us, make-believe is what lets us all imagine something different for the future. Through the shared joy of escaping to another time and place, we hope to build something that entertains, delights and educates. Our dream is that SHP becomes a cultural and economic boon for the province of British Columbia and beyond.

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